Own devices catered for

Learners are able to use their own devices when appropriate or requested and where this would improve their transition outcomes​

This has value for learners who can use learning or access apps in their own time and outside of the learning environment. It brings challenges regarding concentration, but there are strategies and apps to help with this.

Transition plan and handover

Learners have a transition plan including a handover to professionals or other parties who will support their AT use in future​

Learners’ transition should be considered early in their course. Technology support in a new setting may be different. If the assistive technology has a high degree of complexity there is a chance of abandonment or diminished use.  Technology solutions should be accessible while retaining functionality. 

An example scenario is: 

“A learner uses a communication app on their iPad.  The language pack is constructed on PC software and then synced to the iPad app.  While useful in a college setting this approach requires high levels of expertise and support in a community setting.  The learner was provided with the same language pack but using an app which could be edited on the iPad reducing the complexity. 

As learners prepare to transition out of settings they must have documentation which supports their technology use.  This should contain details of: 

  • Usage – what the learner’s assistive technology requirements are and what they typically use it to achieve  
  • Accessibility settings – font size, mouse and keyboard adjustments, iPad settings etc. 
  • Hardware – List of peripherals/chargers etc. warranties, contact details for support from supplier 
  • Software – Registration numbers, any physical media 
  • Setup – photographs and descriptions of connections
  • Troubleshooting  – things to try before contacting support 

Any passwords for online accounts and machine logins should NOT be listed in this documentation but handed-over in a secure manner e.g. separate confidential document or encrypted email. 

AT passport

Learners have a concise summary of their access requirements which can follow them as they progress through life

This passport should give the details of a learners access to technology. The following is an example of a learner who accessed an iPad using switches and a wireless Bluetooth device:

A blue and green switch with visual instructions of how to connect these for a learner to access an iPad