TechAbility Champions
What is a TechAbility Champion?
Natspec and Karten staff work in specialist environments and know their learners/service users better than anyone. TechAbility is supporting one professional from any member organisation to become a champion.
Support includes the following:
- Bi-monthly meetings, facilitated by TechAbility, which share best practice, welcome guest speakers, identify the latest updates/tech and open the floor up to queries or to promote what you are doing with AT.
- Priority access to some of the new materials TechAbility develops.
- Access to a forum offering support from other Champions and a platform to ask for advice from our Assistive Technologists.
- Access to our growing list of technology suppliers which offer their support, trial licenses and direct contact.
- Becoming part of a community interested in developing the best support for AT users.
- Collaboration opportunities on AT projects and partnerships.
What is expected from you?
We realise that staff in these front-line roles will be busy so we do not expect a substantial time commitment, we will do whatever we can to make it easy for you to take part. The more time you can put in, the more you will get out!
You don’t need a high level of technology know-how, we can help you with this. We welcome members with a passion to make a difference in AT users’ lives.
We aim to empower you as professionals to provide better support and make use of this exciting opportunity.
This sounds great, what do I need to do?
Contact and we will arrange a conversation to see how we can best support you.