About TechAbility

What we do

TechAbility aims to improve outcomes for people with LDD (Learning Difficulties and Disabilities) in mainstream and specialist education, and also in adult care settings. We do this by providing a dynamic programme including:

  • consultation on Assistive Technology performance and improvements
  • training delivered online and face-to-face on a wide range of Assistive Technology subjects
  • bespoke training delivered by highly experienced trainers
  • supporting colleges and Karten Centres to deliver high-quality Assistive Technology services
  • signposting to advice and guidance from the sector and by working in partnership with Karten Network, Jisc and sector bodies
  • continuing professional development, with access to specialist training events, advice, guidance and resources
  • opportunities to share and develop good practice by networking with other professionals

Who we work with

We work with specialist and mainstream education staff, and Karten Centre staff who work in roles that support aspects of assistive technology. These staff may have a wide range of titles and functions, including:

  • strategic managers
  • teachers/tutors
  • assistive technologists
  • learning support
  • therapists
  • curriculum staff

The role titles may vary, but the common factor is an interest in technology that improves people’s ability to communicate, access learning and live independent, fulfilling and productive lives.

How we are funded

Karten Network logo

Ian Karten Charitable Trust logo

TechAbility is part funded by the Ian Karten Charitable Trust (IKCT). The Trust supports over 100 Karten Centres through the Karten Network, which aims to improve the quality of life and independence of adults with disabilities. The IKCT has supported TechAbility to ensure that technology can be used to make a lasting impact, maximising the use of equipment to improve the lives of users.

Get in touch

For enquiries and a discussion about how TechAbility can meet your Assistive Technology support and training needs please email TechAbility@natspec.org.uk