Representation of the Sector

TechAbility endeavours to represent the need for assistive technology in education and care by presenting evidence to government and relevant organisations. Directly connections to Natspec colleges and the Karten Network enables TechAbility to have a more influential voice in Further Education and the Third Sector.

In July 2018 evidence was provided to the Education Committee’s Inquiry on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. This evidence highlighted that:

  • Assistive Technologies can provide significant advantages to learners with disabilities.
  • Assessment for assistive technologies is not formalised within specialist education for young people.
  • Expertise varies widely across settings with only 39% of organisations having “a great deal” of confidence in assessment for assistive technology.
  • Sources of funding streams for technologies supplied to individuals are poorly defined and there is no consistency across education and training providers.
  • Learners do not always retain technologies when they transition out of education, despite the benefits these technologies have provided.

We will continue to feed into policy decision regarding the provision of assistive technology in further education and wider society. Evidence and information we gather from our many engagements with users and people who support them will inform this.

If you feel there is a specific area of assistive technology provision which needs addressing, please get in touch so we can consider it in any future evidence.