Meet the team

Fil McIntyre, TechAbility Manager and Assistive Technology Lead

Fil McIntyreFil supports organisations and individuals to deliver technology solutions which enhance life, learning and communication. He has provided training in assistive technology hardware and software to a wide range of professionals from schools, colleges, universities, charities and healthcare. Fil moved to managing TechAbility full time in February 2021 after three years in a split role between TechAbility and Beaumont College in Lancaster.  At Beaumont College, Fil was the Lead Assistive Technologist where he managed a team which assessed and supported students to gain maximum advantage from technology. Prior to Beaumont College, as part of The BRITE Initiative, Fil delivered Assistive Technology training and support to every college in Scotland. He has also been part of the training team at Inclusive Technology and developed the first assistive technology post at Seashell Trust specialist school and college.


Neil Harrod-Beck, Assistive Technology Projects Lead

Neil Harrod-BeckNeil has experience at local, national and international levels through roles to support both in specialist and mainstream environments. His focus for TechAbility is on projects such as Champions, the webinar programme and the TechAbility Standards. He has a record of delivering high quality training, assessments, webinars, seminars and projects and is passionate about using what he has learned to improve educational outcomes and standards of living. European experience has come about through Erasmus project work and International experience through work in India. Sitting on the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Assistive Technology and the subsequent DfE expert group has enabled him to learn about and contribute to policy – notably the 2019 EdTech Policy. Neil has a background in delivering care/education and is interested in politics, nature, yoga, computer-building and volunteers to help refugees with technology.

Associate Trainers and Consultants

TechAbility works with a number of experienced and knowledgeable associates to deliver training and consultancy both online and face-to-face If you are interested in becoming an associate, please contact